Bronze and Copper
I love to add a bit of bronze or copper to certain pieces for the touch of color and rustic look and feel. They are pretty and shiny when polished and age beautifully as well. Bronze is an alloy of copper. Both can cause skin it touches to turn a greenish hue. This is not harmful and does not mean the jewelry is made poorly. It is actually believed to be beneficial as it is drawing the toxins out.
Wearing copper bracelets can boosts your immune system by absorbing small amounts of copper into the blood’s mainstream, creating a psychological balance. As a result, the amount of copper clears up the number of toxic metals in the body.
They aid in in mineral absorption. If you are deficient in iron or zinc wearing copper can be beneficial.
Copper metal has anti-inflammatory qualities that reduce the pain and discomfort associated with arthritis.
Historically, copper metal has been in use for its healing properties. There are reports that copper healing properties were in use in Pre-Columbian America, dating back nearly 10,000 years ago.
Sterling Silver
Sterling Silver is 9.25% pure silver. It is stronger than Fine Silver because of the .75% alloys. It is best to remove when showering or swimming. It will stay tarnish free if stored dry in the bag it arrives in.
Fine Silver
Fine Silver is 9.99% pure silver. I use Fine Silver mostly for bezels and embellishments.
To maintain the shine of bronze, copper or silver, use a polishing cloth regularly to restore its luster. If it becomes blackened and needs a big cleaning ultra-sonic can be used as long as the gemstones will not be harmed. If concer
ned about your gemstones an Ionic cleaning maybe necessary.
